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StimuPro+TM Activator Adjuvant

StimuPro+TM is the ideal way to optimize yield on every acre of your operation.

StimuPro+TM is proven to greatly aid plants during the crucial transition period from the vegetative growth stage to the yield growth stage. During this transition plant health is greatly enhanced, which leads to increased yield potential.

When StimuPro+TM is applied with the proper use rates and correct timing for the crop, university and grower trials have consistently shown StimuPro+™ treated crops to have higher yields and improved plant quality.

StimuPro+TM contains vital plant micronutrients essential to promote vigorous plant growth intended for application on a broad range of plants and commercial crops. StimuPro+™ also contains Ligno-proteins, amino acids, organic complexing agents, and natural plant extracts. It is not phytotoxic when used as directed. Key benefits include:

StimuPro+TM also contains Ligno-proteins, amino acids, organic complexing agents, and natural plant extracts. It is not phytotoxic when used as directed.

Corn Grower Trial
Wheat Trial
Soy bean Trial
Cotton Trial

StimuPro+TM product label

Crop Use Guidelines

CROP OZ./Acre Timing and Frequency

Corn (field, sweet, and popcorn)

2 oz.
3.2 oz.
6.4 oz.
Apply at seed furrow planting
Spray in band at 5 to 8 leaf stage
5 - 8 leaf stage


2 oz.
3.2 oz.
6.4 oz.
Apply in furrow with seed
Spray at early bloom
Early bloom

Wheat and other small grains

3.2 oz.
3.2 oz.
6.4 oz.
Apply prior to jointing
Apply at flag leaf stage
Apply at flag leaf stage


2 oz.
3.2 oz.
3.2 oz.
5 oz.
5 oz.
Apply in seed furrow with 1-2 gals water/acre
Spray at pin-head square
Spray at first bloom
At pin-head square
At first bloom


2 oz.
6-8 oz.
Per cut of seed
After each cutting

Seed: Apply 2 oz. per 100 pounds of seed.

Milo seed

Milo seed treated with StimuPro+TM (left) milo seed without treatment (right)

Corn seed treated with StimuPro+TM (left) corn seed without treatment (right)